Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 4-Situation analysis

On page 96, I agreed with the comment that “ a person who is a good teacher may not make a good materials developer or project leader”. I have worked on many committees where experienced respectable teachers are put in charge, but they do not know the dynamics of running a functional and positive working situation because they get caught up in the trivial details of strong personalities that lead into power battles. As a result, the working group does not accomplish the assigned task, and people walk away feeling frustrated and defeated.
In regards to institutional factors, I could relate to the “culture” that is created in each school and how that culture affects the dynamics of change inside a school setting. I felt like the second paragraph described the two different schools here in Bethel: Kilbuck School and ME School. Ours, of course being the favorable environment and Kilbuck being the other. I was a miserable teacher at Kilbuck because of the negative culture of the school and the isolation that I felt because of the school politics and lack of cohesiveness amongst staff members. Since I moved to ME, I feel very fortunate to work in a school that is open, supportive, and collaborative, and always seeking ways to improve our curriculum and planning.

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