Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ch 6 Reaction

Ling 611-Ch. 6 Course Planning/Syllabus Design

This chapter was painful to read. It was very dry reading material. I didn’t understand why I was being forced to read it unless I was planning to create my own language development model or syllabus for some curriculum development company or if I had to evaluate the language program that is being used at our site. I did not see any relevance or “aha” moment in this chapter. I guess if I worked at the district office, this would be more meaningful to me. I kept asking myself during the reading, why is this important? How does this relate to my research? How does this impact the way that I think about my own teaching? The only thing that came to mind was that we had to read this chapter because you are wanting us to look at the programs we are using and to possibly determine the scope and sequence that is used and question if it is the right approach according to research.

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