Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I now understand why technology is important and how it can be used as a tool in second language acquisition. This generation of learners are technologically advanced and it is important for us teachers to keep up with the times. I just had to laugh when I read that the goal of technology standards is for a “smooth and seamless integration of technology into the curriculum” on the first page of the article because technology has never been that easy for me. As a K-2 grade teacher of music and gym, I struggle with the way that I can enhance the learning of my students using technology. Everything I teach is interactive, hands on, and filled with movement kinds of activities in my classroom that is conducive to language development. Anything that lowers a child’s affective filter so that songs and poems are more comprehensible and meaningful is important. I try to scaffold my instruction so that students learn songs in small parts, with gestures or motions to build upon their language development. I want to use more technology in my class instruction, and hope to eventually use garage band during Friday Morning Showcase. I think technology is a great motivator for all students including language learners. Both of my boys love computers, ipods, and any kind of electronic game. They are naturally drawn to them and know more about them then I do. It has been great to learn about the new technologies so far in this class and I hope to become more familiar with them in the future

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